Quirky Sundays Antik & Vintage
Item no.:510594

Shakti Thangka - Asian Buddhist / Hindu Thangka painting mounted in hand-stitched cloth, 20th century

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Asian Buddhist / Hindu Thangka painting, mounted in hand-stitched cotton and silk cloth, late 20th century. The motif is Buddha and Shakti and symbolizes wisdom.

Can be rolled up - nice as a wall decoration or for meditation.

Widest measurement approximately 50 x 85 centimeters.

Vintage condition, cracks in the paint, loose threads / stitching, etc. See photos.

SKU 2698
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The Quirkyness of things is all too easily pushed aside and forgotten in a busy life with many chores. Therefore we have dedicated ourselves to introduce a certain amount of quirky things - to make you smile or wonder.

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